PERMIT- Apply for Temporary outdoor businesses sales
A temporary use by-law to permit outdoor retail sales and display and outdoor recreational and entertainment establishments was passed by Council on December 9, 2020. This initiative allows certain businesses and charitable ventures to operate outdoors in a safe and responsible manner until December 31, 2023.

Applicable City by-laws such as the Noise Control By-law and Property Standards By-law will still be enforced.
Temporary outdoor businesses must follow Ontario’s COVID-19 restrictions and the Region of Peel’s public health measures.
What businesses or events are eligible
Outdoor recreational establishments, entertainment establishments, or retail sales and displays that meet the definitions below would be eligible to operate outdoors under this By-law.
- Outdoor recreational establishment is an outdoor area that is designed and equipped to be used for athletic and leisure activities
- An outdoor entertainment establishment is an outdoor area that is designed and equipped to be used for the provision of entertainment or amusement without the necessity of active participation by the user
- Outdoor retail sales and display is an outdoor area in which goods are offered for sale.
Full website can be found here:
Contact the city
If you need more information or have a question about temporary outdoor businesses, email
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